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British Cleaning Council welcomes new Chair, Deputy and Council Reps at 2017 AGM

British Cleaning Council welcomes new Chair, Deputy and Council Reps at 2017 AGM

The British Cleaning Council (BCC), which represents over 20 national trade associations linked to the UK’s cleaning, hygiene and waste management sectors including British Pest Control Association, officially elected a new Chairman and Deputy Chair at its recent Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2017.

Stan Atkins, Chief Executive of the British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc), was voted in as the new BCC Chairman. He succeeds Simon Hollingbery who stepped down after two years at the BCC’s helm. However, Mr Hollingbery will remain a member of the Council in his role as Chair of the Association of Building Cleaning Direct Service Providers (ABCD). 

Mr Atkins was previously the BCC’s Deputy Chair. Following a second Council vote, his vacated Deputy position was taken by Paul Thrupp. Mr Thrupp is a Director at the OCS Group, and represents the Federation of Window Cleaners on the BCC Council.

In addition to the election of a new Chair and new Deputy, the BCC’s AGM also welcomed two new Council member representatives. Philip Morrish, Deputy Master for the Worshipful Company of Environmental Cleaners, and Mike Stubbs, Vice President of the Cleaning & Hygiene Suppliers Association (CHSA), were both warmly welcomed to the BCC for their inaugural Council meeting, and first BCC AGM.

Further, Mr Morrish and Allison Ogden-Newton, Chief Executive of Keep Britain Tidy, were appointed as new BCC Directors, and as such will now serve on the BCC’s Finance and Policy Committee.

Another change to the BCC membership also took place at the meeting with the Director of the Cleaning and Support Services Association (CSSA), Doug Cooke, resigning from the Council. Mr Cooke, CEO of Principle Cleaning and a former BCC Chairman, has been a key member of the BCC Council since 2007.

BCC Chair Stan Atkins said: “From a personal point of view this year’s AGM was a mixture of delight and sadness. While I am very proud to have been elected Chair, and am greatly looking forward to working with Paul as our new Deputy, I was also sorry to see Simon step down as Chair, and Doug leave the Council. Both have served the BCC extremely well over many years and their contribution to the work of the Council, and the wider UK cleaning sector, has been immense.

“It was also great to welcome Mike and Philip to the BCC team on behalf of the CHSA and the Worshipful Company of Environmental Cleaners respectively. I look forward to working with them to ensure the voice of their associations continue to be heard alongside the 20 others which the BCC represents.

“I would also like to thank Pat Wherton, the BCC’s Secretary General, for ensuring all of the recent AGM and Council proceedings ran smoothly, and for her ongoing help in managing many of the governance, policy and financial issues which the BCC is required to deal with.

“With the support of Paul, Pat and all of our member associations, I am confident the BCC will go from strength to strength, and that by working closely together we have a great opportunity to continue to build the reputation of the UK cleaning sector as a responsible and professional industry.”

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