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Changes made at the ICMMA

Changes made at the ICMMA

ISSA has announced a new Secretariat for the UK Industrial Cleaning Machine Manufacturers Association (ICMMA).

Rob Shaw and Rachel Eastop of Rob Shaw Associates will provide secretary support from now on, taking over from Hazel Langley. Rob has more than 14 years of experience providing scientific expertise on falls prevention to the UK regulator, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), as well as commercial consultancy and training in the UK and overseas.

Regina Henrich, ISSA European Manager, said: “Thanks so much to Hazel Langley for her dedication. She has always acknowledged the needs and concerns of all and promoted a positive, encouraging working environment. I’m also looking forward to working with Rob and Rachel now. Both will be a strong asset to the company, supporting and bringing out the best in the ICMMA team.”

Rob said: “Rachel and I are really excited about taking the ICMMA group forward and, having already met with some of the members and listened to their agenda already, are forming ideas to add value.”

The change in Secretariat was announced at the ICMMA Members Commercial and Technical Meeting which took place at Diversey in Northampton on Wednesday 5 September 2018.

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