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Confirm your ticket to the TSA National Congress 2024

Don’t forget to confirm your ticket to the Textile Service Association’s 2024 National Congress

The Textile Services Association (TSA) has announced the lineup for its 2024 National Congress, which takes place on 1 February 2024 at the Titanic Hotel in Liverpool.

Tickets are going fast, so if you’re a laundry owner or executive who has received an invitation and want to attend, you should act fast to ensure you don’t miss out.

The event gives attendees a chance to network with representatives of the biggest companies in the UK, discuss important issues in the laundry industry, and gain insight from a number of keynote speakers and the team from the TSA themselves.

The main keynote speaker will be Lord Daniel Finkelstein OBE. With a career that has spanned decades and includes journalism, broadcasting, writing and politics, Lord Finklestein will bring his deep insights and unique perspectives he has learned while working for organisations and institutions like The Times, the House of Lords and Chelsea FC, to name but a few.

The congress will also be addressed by noted behavioural economist Roger Martin-Fagg. He has consulted for a wide range of the country’s biggest companies, and is renowned for his ability to explain complex economic concepts in a way that helps businesses to understand how they affect them.

A notable third keynote speaker will be announced in the near future.

Alongside the keynote speakers there will be presentations and panel discussions on topics ranging from the current challenges the industry faces to the movers and shakers of 2024. There will also be a talk examining the history, culture and sport of the host city Liverpool. In the evening there will be a drinks reception and industry dinner, with entertainment.

The venue is the four-star Titanic Hotel based in the heart of Liverpool’s historic Stanley Dock. The event is invite only, so if you have received one and wish to attend please confirm your attendance to the TSA or visit the TSA’s website for more information.

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