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Dealing with drunken wasps

BPCA release guide to deal with drunken, sugar-seeking wasps

During the school summer holiday, children and the elderly are at risk from wasps on the hunt for a serious sugar hit.

The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) is urging businesses and families alike to take action now to prevent sting incidents by publishing an online ‘Worried About Wasps’ guide – complete with video.

Natalie Bungay, Technical Officer at BPCA, said: “Homes and businesses can be affected by a wasp outbreak, particularly as people head outside for the summer season. Towards late August and going into September is the time when we can start to see drunken wasps, desperate for a sugar fix.

“This happens when the queen stops producing eggs and the workforce has nothing to do other than look for fermented fruits and sugars. Wasps quickly get inebriated and this is typically when you can expect them to be more aggressive and likely to sting.”

The guide and video offer advice on tackling problems with wasps, including what to do if a nearby nest – which could house up to 5,000 wasps – is causing a nuisance.

Natalie continued: “Our advice is to encourage homes and businesses to dispose of rubbish properly, especially food with a high sugar content. It should be securely contained in a bag and disposed of in a clean container.”

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