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ETS honorary chairman joins Hall of Fame

ETS honorary chairman Roberto Berardi inducted into Paper Industry International Hall of Fame

European Tissue Symposium’s (ETS) honorary chairman, Roberto Berardi, was inducted into the Paper Industry International Hall of Fame at this year’s ‘Honors on the River’ event in Appleton, Wisconsin, USA on 3 October.

The prestigious Paper Industry International Hall of Fame honours individuals who, to Paper Discovery Center judges, have made an outstanding contribution to the sector. Of the 14 applications made in 2019, just three were accepted.

Roberto Berardi was selected for his leadership, and for his marketing, sales, and academic accomplishments. He has spent over 40 years in the sector – over 30 years working in industry in various roles, and over a decade with ETS as vice-chair, chairman, and now honorary chairman. He has also been Affiliate Professor, teaching marketing principles and branding at the renowned ESCP Europe Business School and at SAA Management School for nine years.

Berardi played a pivotal role at ETS in supporting and promoting paper tissue categories. Under his leadership, ETS undertook scientific studies exploring the benefits of paper versus alternatives. He promoted the sustainable production and consumption of paper products and oversaw the issuance of industry guidelines on recycling and improving sustainability.

Roberto worked with ETS to ensure government regulation and policy was based on scientific facts. He also promoted a position paper approach within the industry in relation to environmental actions and impacts. He also shaped the ETS website’s comprehensive content in six languages, increasing access from 4,000 to 400,000 visitors per year.

Roberto Berardi received his honor alongside Dr Gordon A Nicholls and Donald D Dick, who were selected for their academic and R&D accomplishments and service to the paper field respectively.

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