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ISSA announces latest CIMS Advanced by GBAC Certifications

ISSA announces latest round of CIMS Advanced by GBAC Certification

ISSA, the worldwide cleaning industry association, has announced 24 ISSA member companies have successfully achieved Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS) Advanced by GBAC certification or CIMS-Green Building (CIMS-GB) Advanced by GBAC certification in the first quarter of 2024.

CIMS certification and CIMS-GB certification help to set cleaning organisations and their green cleaning operations apart in the marketplace. It also helps to meet the growing demand for the US Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. CIMS and CIMS-GB certification are required in many cleaning service bid specifications as customers look for an effective way to identify high-quality providers committed to customer satisfaction.

Relevant for in-house operations and outsourced building service contractors of all sizes, CIMS leverages five core elements of management best practices and requires participants to meet 100% of the mandatory elements and 60% of the recommended elements, per section. An ISSA-accredited third-party assessor completes an on-site evaluation to validate that the cleaning operation follows documented systems and processes that support cleaning for health. CIMS-GB takes this certification a step further, placing much greater emphasis on green cleaning and sustainability.

ISSA Senior Director of Education, Brant Insero, said: “Earning CIMS Advanced by GBAC certification allows an organisation to separate itself from the competition by demonstrating a dedication to a higher standard of cleanliness. Using CIMS encourages service providers to manage their organisation in a manner that’s predicated on ensuring quality, efficiency and overall customer satisfaction.”

Maintenance Resources has achieved certification to CIMS Advanced by GBAC, while Goodwill Industries of the Coastal Empire, JKSM Commercial Cleaning & Maintenance, ServiceMaster Commercial Systems, Service Star Building Cleaning and TRK Investments have certified to CIMS with Honors Advanced by GBAC.

Davolt Community Advocacy, Regency Cleaning Services and Southern New Hampshire University have achieved CIMS-GB Advanced by GBAC certification, while the following 15 organisation have achieved CIMS-GB with Honors Advanced by GBAC certification:

  • A1 Cleaning Services
  • AHI Facility Services
  • Alabama Cleaning Service
  • Ambassador Services
  • Blackstone Consulting
  • Collins Building Services
  • Goodwill Easter Seals Miami Valley
  • Green Apple Commercial Cleaning
  • H4 Enterprises
  • Job Options
  • Native Resource Development
  • Nobis Enterprises
  • Terra Klean Solutions
  • UG2
  • Vanguard Resources

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