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SCAs hygiene business becomes Essity

SCAs hygiene business becomes Essity

Following the decision to split the SCA Group into two independent listed companies, the hygiene and health side of the business has become Essity, following its listing on Nasdaq Stockholm.

While SCA will remain a forest products company, Essity’s vision and strategy remains firmly focused on hygiene and health, with its products and brands including Tork, TENA, Bodyform, Velvet, Cushelle and Plenty.

Kevin Starr, VP Sales and Marketing Away from Home, said: “We presented our new vision last autumn when the proposed split of the company was first announced. This vision identifies hygiene as a means for improving people’s health and wellbeing and that gives us an increased focus and the chance to diversify.”

Diversifying into new product groups has already seen the recent acquisition of BSN medical, a medical solutions company whose brands include Actimove, JOBST, and Leukoplast.

Kevin continues: “Being a more focused business with a clear vision and strategy that puts hygiene, health and wellbeing at its hearts can only help us become even stronger market leaders. This is great news for our brands and our ability to innovate and lead the way in sustainability.”

Essity will also be supporting health and hygiene through their Hygiene Matters initiative, which aims to drive a global dialogue around the importance of hygiene and its links to health and wellbeing.

Kevin concluded: “Hygiene Matters is central to our strategy and will become a core part of our communications moving forward. As a hygiene and health company, we have a vital role to play in helping build a more sustainable and circular society by raising these standards all over the world with our products and brands. The recent work by our Bodyform brand in tackling the issue of Period Poverty is one example of how we will be working to make a difference to people’s lives.”

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