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Staying well over the winter

Purell helps you stay well this winter

GOJO has, as part of its mission to promote a healthier winter germ season, launched a campaign to help businesses boost wellness across the workforce.

Each winter, infection rates rise as millions of people contract influenza (‘flu’), norovirus, and other common colds and viruses. However, something as simple as increasing the frequency and effectiveness of hand washing and hand sanitising can have a big impact on public health, which in turn can impact the wellbeing of a workforce and help to reduce absenteeism. Average rates of absence across Europe are between 3-6% of working time, which has beenestimated to cost about 2.5% of GDP.

Dangerous pathogens are not only transmitted through direct contact with others, but also indirectly via hands and surfaces. Therefore, if just one employee comes into the office with a cold and doesn’t take care to follow good hand hygiene, the infection can easily spread around the entire workplace before they have come into direct contact with anyone.

GOJO has, a website dedicated to highlighting the importance of hand hygiene throughout the winter months. This website offers tips around when to wash and sanitise and talks through the benefits of hand hygiene in different markets. It also has a variety of materials that can be downloaded and customised, including:

•A selection of web banners to help raise campaign awareness.
•Social media content and messaging to help engage audiences.
•Posters and infographics to encourage hygienic behaviours.

Chris Wakefield, Vice President, European Marketing and UK & IE Sales, GOJO Industries-Europe Ltd., said: “Hundreds of studies have proven that good hand hygiene can break the chain of infection, helping to prevent the spread of germs and reduce the chances of getting sick in the first place. At GOJO, we believe in making hand hygiene second nature to everyone.

“Given the impact on our health, we advocate for hand sanitising facilities, such as hygienic hand rubs, becoming commonplace in offices, shops, food service establishments and other workplaces across Europe, as they are in healthcare settings. In doing this, we can enjoy a healthier germ season.”

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