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Wipe away infection risk

Wipe away the risk of infection with PURELL

Skin health and surface hygiene expert GOJO Industries-Europe has extended its PURELL surface range with the addition of two new products, to help businesses keep their spaces hygienically clean and healthy.

The portfolio also has a new look, with the yellow packaging replaced with blue trigger handles, lids and labels, bringing them into line with PURELL’s market-leading hand hygiene range.

Added to the portfolio of PURELL Surface Sanitising Spray and Wipes are a bucket of wipes and a 5L jug. The bucket holds 450 wipes, ideal for large surfaces and intensive use, whilst the 5L jug is designed to refill the 750ml trigger spray bottles, making it a more sustainable purchase.

Fast acting and with high antimicrobial efficacy, PURELL surface sanitising products can be used with complete confidence in a variety of settings and sectors. They are compatible with most smooth surfaces such as desks, tables, toys, fitness equipment, and worktops. Bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal, they come ready-to-use with no rinse required.

Last year, PURELL Advanced Hygienic Hand Rub and its Surface Spray and Wipes were tested against Coronavirus (BVOC surrogate virus), passing the EN 14476 standard with a contact time of just 30 seconds. The Surface range has also been tested specifically on Salmonella, Campylobacter, Listeria, and yeast, and conforms to the international food taint testing standard EN 4120:2007. This provides assurance that they are safe for use in food environments.

Chris Wakefield, Managing Director UK & Ireland at GOJO Industries-Europe, commented: “The PURELL focus on ‘formulation without compromise’ is all about striking the perfect balance of efficacy and safety, which helps us to fulfill the GOJO purpose of saving lives and making life better through wellbeing solutions.

“As society begins to reopen, employing effective sanitising and hygiene products will be crucial to keep spaces clean and COVID-secure, regardless of industry. Built on decades of scientific innovation and proven to work by independent testing, the PURELL brand can be trusted to safely and effectively eliminate germs and viruses.”

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