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The latest cleaning news, hygiene news, cleaning events,innovations, products and more.

Sealed Air Corporation has announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to sell Diversey Care to Bain Capital Private Equity in a deal worth approximately $3.2bn.

Sealed Air Announce Sale Of Diversey Care To Bain Capital Private Equity

Sealed Air Corporation has today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to sell its Diversey Care division and the food hygiene and cleaning businesses within its Food Care...
The BCC celebrated its 35th anniversary at the Cleaning Show with a special commemorative cake.

Exhibitors and Visitors Hail The Success Of Cleaning Show 2017

Almost 6,000 visitors from the cleaning and hygiene sector passed through the doors of the London Cleaning Show this month, making it the most successful show yet. Attendance was 5% up on the last...
Dook the Duck proved to be a huge hit on the Greyland stand at the Cleaning Show in London.

Greyland Hail Cleaning Show A Success As Dook Returns to Dukinfield

Following his triumphant debut appearance at the Cleaning Show in London, Greyland’s Dook the Duck has returned safely home to the factory in Dukinfield. Dook proved to be a big hit at the...
Cleaning product supplier Jangro is now more than halfway towards its target of raising £100,000 for cancer support charity Macmillan.

Jangro Closes In On £100,000 Macmillan Fundraising Target

Cleaning product supplier Jangro is more than £51,000 towards its £100,000 fundraising goal for cancer support charity Macmillan. Fundraising initiatives including sponsored walks,...
This week’s Cleaning Show, held at the Excel in London, is set to be a very special one for the British Cleaning Council, who are celebrating their 35th anniversary this year.

BCC All Set For Special 35th Anniversary Cleaning Show

The London Cleaning Show opens this week at the Excel in London and it’s a very special exhibition for the BCC who are celebrating their 35th anniversary. The Council, who are the...
Richard Dyson, Managing Director of Greyland, was pleased to announce that his company has been awarded the ISO 9001:2015 Quality and ISO 14001:2015 Environmental standards.

Greyland Awarded New Environmental and Quality Standards

Greyland has announced that it has been awarded the ISO 9001:2015 Quality and ISO 14001:2015 Environmental standards. Last year, Richard Dyson, Greyland’s Managing Director made the...
The British Damage Management Association (BDMA) unveiled a whole new look at the beginning of the year, with a brand new logo and the launch of a dynamic new website.

All Change For The BDMA With 2017 Rebrand

The British Damage Management Association (BDMA) unveiled a whole new look at the beginning of the year with a brand new logo and the launch of a dynamic new website. Speaking about the launch of...
Diversey Care has become the headline partner of Eco-Schools England, and with it becomes part of the largest environmental schools programme in the world.

Diversey Care Becomes Eco-Schools England Headline Partner

Diversey Care has become the headline partner of Eco-Schools England, and with it becomes part of the largest environmental schools programme in the world. Under this new commitment, Diversey Care...
New for 2017, the Loo of the Year Awards have replaced the Attendant of the Year Award with a newly titled Washroom Cleaner of the Year Award.

New Washroom Cleaner of the Year Awards Introduced

New for 2017, the Washroom Cleaner of the Year Awards have replaced the previous Attendant of the Year Awards provided by Loo of the Year Awards and relate specifically to the dedicated cleaning...
A new report compiled for the BCC by Firedog Research has shown that the cleaning industry contributes more than £24billion to the UK economy.

New Report From BCC Highlights Industry's Importance To UK Economy

The cleaning industry contributes more than £24billion to the UK economy according to the latest figures released by the British Cleaning Council. The report compiled for the BCC by market...

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