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Cromwell has a Great British Spring Clean

Cromwell has a Great British Spring Clean

According to results from a voluntary clean-up by Cromwell Polythene as part of its support of The Great British Spring Clean 2019, levels of rubbish have decreased significantly compared to 2018.

Last year, Cromwell collected 67.3kgs of litter over a three-hour period from the Sherburn Industrial Estate where it is based. In 2019, in the same area just 11kg was collected in just one and a half hours – a 68% reduction.

Cromwell Polythene and a number of other companies based on the Sherburn Industrial Estate also support the Clean Driver Scheme. This innovative project was launched in their business environment last August by Selby District Council. Funded by the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), it encourages lorry drivers visiting the district to dispose of their rubbish responsibly.

Businesses signing up to the scheme receive an in-cab tidy package that gives drivers litter bags for their rubbish, reusable coffee cups, and pocket ashtrays to encourage responsible rubbish disposal. Participating drivers can display their support with cab window stickers, too.

Cromwell also partnered with neighbouring company Cranswick Gourmet Bacon to fund brand new litter bins for the industrial estate.

Cromwell’s MD, James Lee, said: “It’s great to see that levels of discarded rubbish have decreased significantly across the same area compared to results from our previous year’s Great British Spring Clean Activity. We believe this campaign, together with the Clean Driver Scheme, has led to a substantial reduction in local littering, by encouraging recycling and responsible behaviour.

“There is, however, still room for improvement across not just our estate, but all public places. It’s important that we all continue to take more care for our environment, to make a real difference in our local communities.”

Selby District Council’s own analysis of the Clean Driver Scheme also revealed a positive impact, with a reduction of 30% and 46% in two of the areas monitored.

UK-wide results from the Great British Spring Clean 2019, which took place from 22 March- 23 April indicate 17,097 clean-ups were held and 957,377 bags of litter collected – 239,344 wheelie bins full of rubbish (or 4,308 tonnes). Keep Britain Tidy reports that around 61% of the litter collected was 'general waste' and approximately 39% has been recycled (18% plastic, 21% aluminium).

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