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Top Tips For Effective, Sustainable Commercial Cleaning

Top Tips For Effective, Sustainable Commercial Cleaning

The last two years have seen less of a change in the  cleaning industry  but an increased priority for many businesses to ensure their workplaces are safe to be in.

This included an increasing number of deep cleans, as well as the more widespread use of harsher chemicals to ensure surfaces are disinfected on a more frequent basis.

However, increased cleaning frequency and more substantive deep cleans do not need to mean a reduction in  indoor air quality  or reliance on products that can harm both the working environment and the environment at large.

Here are some top tips for effective but sustainable office and retail cleaning.

Replace Harsher Chemicals

In the past, office cleaning relied on exceptionally strong chemicals but that does not need to be the case anymore.

Check which chemicals are being used by cleaning staff and ensure that you know what chemicals are being brought into a workplace, as well as the level of concentration these products are used at.

Try to use products with relatively short lists of ingredients, or products that can be generated on-site or use alternative technologies such as  electrochemically activated solutions .

Take Advantage Of Steam Cleaning

Bathroom deep cleans and carpet cleaning can be undertaken with a steam cleaner, which is one of the safest ways to clean in an effective, hygienic way.

Try to choose a steam cleaner that produces less water waste as well.

Have A Far-Encompassing Recycling System

Most modern businesses will have some form of recycling system, with waste paper being recycled readily, printer toner cartridges being returned to the manufacturer and generally some form of system that allows for easy recycling of glass, foil, tins and plastic bottles.

Extend this to your cleaning staff as well, ensuring they recycle wherever it is appropriate to do so, and reducing the use of virgin plastics, such as plastic bin liners, for bins that do not need them such as paper recycling.

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